Upcoming Applied Intuition Courses
Are you a sensitive person wanting to develop your intuition? What if you could use a proven method to go from psychic sponge to empowered healer?
Applied Intuition teaches empaths, healers, and the spiritually curious how to consistently access their intuition to heal themselves and others in a safe and grounded way. Upcoming Applied Intuition classes over Zoom include:
Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Course Sept 5 – Dec. 5, 2023, Tuesdays 5:45-8 PM (Pacific)
New Graduate Class, Oct. 15 – Dec. 10, 2023, Sundays 11 AM – 1:15 PM (Pacific)
Clairvoyant Certification Training Jan. 9 to Dec. 10, 2024, Tuesdays 5:45 to 8 PM (Pacific)
12 Week On-line Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing
Fall Session: Tuesdays 5:45 to 8 PM (Pacific) Sept. 5 to Dec. 5, 2023
Register here!
Do you get tired in crowds?
Are you sensitive to the energy of others and your environment?
Do you need stronger boundaries?
Are you frustrated and stuck in repetitive patterns?
Do you want to learn energy healing but not sure where to start?
Are you confused by intuitive experiences you have had? Does your intuition feel random? Do you have trouble distinguishing between thoughts and intuition?Are you lightworker or a helping or healing professional and want to augment your skills?
If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, Applied Intuition’s Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Course is your ticket forward! This 12 week, step by step, course will teach you to consistently access your intuition, manage your energy and heal yourself and others. All in a practical, easy to understand package without the woo woo!
Intuition is your birthright. Everyone can develop their intuition but some people are already sensitive and need tools to understand and use their intuition instead of feeling used by it. This is particularly true for empaths, lightworkers and people in the healing and helping professions.
The Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Course launches you to read and heal energy right away.
Week 1: Find your intuitive center and ground to the Earth
Week 2: Strengthen your life force and personal auric boundaries
Week 3: Clear, balance and heal your chakras
Week 4: Utilize your Kundalini Energy
Week 5: Use color to heal.
Week 6: Integrate your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies
Week 7: Heal on a cellular level
Week 8: Tap into universal energies, access the Akashic Records and up-date spiritual contracts
Week 9: Read and heal past lives and
Week 10: Resolve karmic patterns
Week 11: Balance your male and female creative energy
Week 12: Conducting a full clairvoyant reading
Our on-line classroom provides a safe and fun confidential learning community. Through guided meditations, discussions, readings and home practice exercises you will discover your default energy settings and change them if they aren’t working for you. With practice you create new neuro-pathways that can transform your relationships, health, business, communication, creativity and well being.
Tuition is $686. Classes are 1/2 off for students repeating. You can add an optional hour phone reading with Tahara for $80 (normally $125) for a total of $766. Attend the first class for free to see if it is a good fit. Register here or contact Tahara Ezrahti at appliedintuition@cox.net (805) 364-0195 to reserve your space. A confirmation and Zoom link will be emailed to you.
Visit the Applied Intuition Class page to learn more: https://appliedintuition.org/classes-2/ and hear what Students Are Saying:
Text/Call or email today for more information and to register for classes (805) 364-0195. Email: appliedintuition@cox.net
New Graduate Class! 
Fall Session: Oct. 15 to Dec. 10, 2023 Sundays 11 AM to 1:15 PM (Pacific)
This fall’s graduate class includes: Additional information, energy anatomy, healing topics and professional development training. If you have completed the Applied Intuition Clairvoyant Certification Training recently or awhile ago and you are wondering “What’s next? How do I continue my personal growth and utilize my healing skills to help others?” This class will help you continue the journey through weekly classes and meditations along with a community of skilled healers. In addition to learning new information you will give and receive individual and group readings weekly during class. Class topics include:
Advanced chakra healing
Healing, balancing and updating energy centers in your joints and spinal column
Integrating and synchronizing your body and energy blueprints
Updating, pruning and rewiring connections in your brain
Professional development
Earth healing
Protecting, clearing, healing and updating your Akashic records.
Creating and bringing in a new blueprint for 2024
Tuition $525. Add an additional $80 for an hour phone reading with Tahara (a $125 value). Space is limited. Contact: Tahara Ezrahti at apppliedintuition@cox.net or (805) 364-0195. to register or for more information.
Advanced Clairvoyant Certification Training
January 9 to December 10, 2024, Tuesdays 5:45 to 8 PM (Pacific) over Zoom
(You must have completed the Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing class).
Learn more
Astrological Weather Report with Corinne Cevaer-Corey
Venus Retrograde in Leo This Summer
Listen to find out the details about Venus’s retrograde and unusual four month journey through Leo this summer of 2023. To learn more about Corinne’s work visit her website: https://www.corawakening.com/ To schedule an astrology reading, e-mail her at: corawakening@gmail.com
Crystal Corner: Moonstone

White moonstone bracelet
Book a Clarivoyant Reading with Tahara for Yourself, Your Business or Your Pet
Going through a transition?
Questions about relationships, business, family or personal issues?
Want to improve relationships and communication?
On the verge of big decisions; looking for clarity, direction and healing?
Trying to connect with a loved one who has passed on?
Curious about your energy and how to strengthen it?
Want to clarify your mission and purpose?
Want tutoring to develop your clairvoyance and manage your energy?
If you answered, “YES” to any of these questions a clairvoyant reading can provide answers, healing and direction. It can alleviate confusion and anxiety about where you are, why you are experiencing what you are experiencing and what to do next.
What Clients Are Saying: