Happy Holidays From My Family to Yours
Change Your Energy, Transform Your Life with Applied Intuition’s On-line Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Course
January 11 to March 8, 2022
Wednesdays 5:15 to 7:30 PM (Pacific)
Space is limited! Register here. Attend the first class for free to see if it is a good fit.
Do you get tired in crowds?
Are you sensitive to the energy of others and your environment?
Do you need stronger boundaries?
Are you frustrated and stuck in repetitive patterns?
Do you want to learn energy healing but not sure where to start?
Are you confused by intuitive experiences you have had? Does your intuition feel random? Do you have trouble distinguishing between thoughts and intuition?
Are you lightworker or a helping or healing professional and want to augment your skills?
If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, Applied Intuition’s Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Course is your ticket forward! This nine week, step by step, course will teach you to consistently access your intuition, manage your energy and heal yourself and others. All in a practical, easy to understand package without the woo woo!
Intuition is your birthright. Everyone can develop their intuition but some people are already sensitive and need tools to understand and use their intuition instead of feeling used by it. This is particularly true for empaths, lightworkers and people in the healing and helping professions.
Click here for more information
Meet Your Instructor: Hi I’m Tahara, the owner of Applied Intuition. I will be teaching this class. I started out as a student, just like you, 34 years ago.
“Few things feel better than to be filled with your own essence and anchored to the Earth. Life becomes easier and more fun with more of you present to live it. Control your energy and control your life.” – Tahara Ezrahti
What Students Are Saying: “I cannot recommend this course highly enough! My intuition is so much more honed, I have been able to heal sick friends with the energy work I learned and most of all she taught us a level of grounding that I had never experienced. Everything feels happier and better when I am grounded. Everyone in the class has become empowered in a stunning way. Tahara is teaching us to use some of our extra brainpower that we normally don’t have access to, that is our birthright!”
Ronit Corry, M.AmSAT
Senior Teacher of The Alexander Technique
Training Cesar’s Way Graduate
Santa Barbara, CA
Click here for more information
Space if limited reserve your spot today. Register here. Attend the first class for free to see if it is a good fit. Contact Tahara Ezrahti at appliedintuition@cox.net (805) 364-0195.
Money back guarantee in the first 30 days if you aren’t satisfied.
Continue the Journey with the Clairvoyant Certification Training
January 8 to October 8, 2023
Sundays 11 AM to 1:15 PM (Pacific)
If you have completed the Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing recently or in the past, you are eligible to take Applied Intuition’s Clairvoyant Certification Training.
This is a 10 month course for those who want to develop their intuitive skills in depth. Students completing the course will be certified by Applied Intuition to conduct clairvoyant readings.
Students take this course for their own personal development, to integrate clairvoyant healing into their current profession, or to become a professional clairvoyant. Regardless of how you end up integrating these tools, be ready for an enjoyable, challenging, and mind blowing ride!
For more information click here
To register contact: Tahara Ezrahti at apppliedintuition@cox.net or (805) 364-0195. Tuition is always half priced for students repeating the course. Money back guarantee in the first 30 days if you aren’t satisfied.
New Graduate Class! Jump Start Your Healing Practice Professional Development Training
January 9 to Febuary 27, 2023 
Monday’s from 5 PM to 7:15 PM (Pacific)
Space is limited. Register here Today!
If you have completed the Applied Intuition Clairvoyant Certification Training recently or awhile ago and you are wondering “What’s next? How do I continue my personal growth and utilize my healing skills to help others?”
Applied Intuition has a new six week on-line graduate training for you! With 34 years conducting readings and 22 years teaching classes I will give you shortcuts and jump start you to starting or expanding your healing practice.
Click here for more information.
If you’ve ever contemplated starting or expanding a healing practice and aren’t sure how, Jump Start Your Healing Practice provides a step by step process to identify where you are now and where you want to go. You’ll hone in on exactly what you want to offer and who you want to offer it to. You’ll meet other clairvoyant training graduates and build life long healing relationships as part of this community.
The field of energy healing presents unique challenges. Hardly anyone knows what a clairvoyant reading is and how it can help them. Many of the people who think they know are wrong. There is also the concern that people won’t take you seriously or worse, think you are a charlatan. Many graduates merge their clairvoyant skills with other more understood fields such as counseling, massage, hypnotherapy, acupuncture, tarot reading etc. This class is for you folks too!
Jump Start utilizes meditations, readings, home practice, sharing and writing exercises to combine skill development, marketing and a mastermind support group. It provides a weekly structure and supportive healing community to increase your confidence and certainty working with clients and customers.
It’s a journey, not a magic bullet. Like anything worth doing, your skills and comfort level will increase with time, dedication and practice. The more you put into it, the more you will get out of it. But you don’t have to go at it alone, wasting time wandering in the wilderness or trying to reinventing the wheel.
Click here for more information.
Register here today and join this healing community of highly skilled clairvoyants. Contact: Tahara Ezrahti at apppliedintuition@cox.net or (805) 364-0195. Money back guarantee in the first 30 days if you aren’t satisfied.
The HeArt of Healing Show
I’ve started new project, the HeArt of Healing Show, where I interview healing professionals on how one can integrate clairvoyant readings into other complimentary healing modalities. I love interviewing people and have been dreaming about creating something like this for 20 years.
This fall I had the honor of interviewing four professionals with many years experience in their fields: Vicky Lyons-Elliott on Tarot and Clairvoyant Readings, Nelly Gonzalez on Using Crystals with Clairvoyant Readings, Arin Fugate on Essential Oils to Open Your Clairvoyance and Dr. Gwendolyn McClure on using Vocal Sound Healing and Clairvoyant Readings.
Three of these guests are current or former students. Everyone shared a wealth of knowledge and practical tips. I hope you find these interviews informative, enjoyable and inspiring to start or continuing integrating your clairvoyance into whatever field you currently work in. Please like, share and subscribe to the channel.
I will be doing more interviews in the new year. Students currently registered in any of my classes will have the opportunity to participate in our live Zoom interviews and ask questions. Enjoy the interviews.
Contact Vicky at viclyonselliott@gmail.com or text (805) 679-3505 to schedule a reading. Follow her on Facebook at TrueTarot https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=truetarot
Contact Nelly at nelmoonjewles@gmail.com for readings and custom orders. Visit her store at https://www.etsy.com/shop/nelmoonjewels
Learn more at Arin’s website https://www.jasmineandjuniper.com/ for tons of essential oil education and information along with access to her Visionary Leaders Podcast. You can purchase essential oils at https://www.doterra.com/US/en/site/appliedintuition
Contact Dr. Gwendolyn McClure at Gwendolyn@vocalsoundhealer.com, website https://vocalsoundhealer.com/ to learn about private sessions, classes, retreats and events.
In Transition? Need Clarity & Direction?
Book a Reading With Me
Readings are especially helpful when you are going trough a transition and need direction and guidance to access your own inner wisdom and healing. Readings can answer questions and provide healing for relationships, business, family, pets, past lives, karmic patterns and many other life challenges.
I am a trained clairvoyant with 34 years experience conducting readings, energy healings and teaching others to develop their clairvoyance. I have helped 1000’s of people just like you, get unstuck and move forward with confidence and clarity.
Readings can be recorded and a copy emailed, so you don’t have to worry about taking notes. Tutorials are available for people wanting to learn basic skills but can’t take a class. Gift certificates are available (Be sure the person you are gifting to wants a reading).
Readings are 30 ($80), 60 ($125) or 90 minutes ($150). Day, evening and weekend appointments available over the phone or Zoom.
Call today! Tahara Ezrahti, (805) 364-0195 or appliedintuition@cox.net Stop worrying, wondering and waiting. Book a reading now to move forward with clear direction and purpose.
Watch this video as I explain how readings work and how they can help you!
Blessings to all of you this holiday season and wishing you a happy new year,
Tahara Ezrahti