Applied Intuition: Classes, Free Readings & Spring News
Tahara Ezrahti, Clairvoyant and Intuitive Development Teacher, email:, (805) 364-0195
Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Course
April 7 to June 2, 2020, Tuesdays from 6-8:15 PM
Attend in-person or through Zoom Video Conferencing. Come to the first class for free to see if it is a good fit.
Who should take it, how it can help you and what to expect.
Visit Applied Intuition Classes for more information or to register on-line. Contact Tahara Ezrahti at or (805) 364-0195.
Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing 2020 Class Schedule
- Spring Session: April 7 to June 2, 2020. Tuesdays 6 – 8:15 PM
- Summer Session: June 16 to Aug. 11, 2020. Tuesdays 6 – 8:15 PM
- Fall Session: Oct. 15 to Dec. 17, 2020. Thursdays 6 – 8:15 PM
– Are you sensitive to the energy of others & your environment?
– Do you want to develop your clairvoyant skills to heal yourself and others?
– Do you walk into a room and immediately sense what is going on?
– Are you a healing professional wanting to augment your current skills?
– Do you get tired or overwhelmed in crowds?
– Would you benefit from knowing how to regulate your energy?
– Are you a lightworker, here to help the planet evolve?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, Applied Intuition’s Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Class will change your life by teaching you how to heal yourself and others in a safe and grounded way with a community of like minded individuals.
Classes are taught through a blend of guided meditations, partner practice, discussion and daily awareness exercises. You will learn to:
* Ground to the Earth
* Connect to Your Creativity and Life Force
* Read Energy Clairvoyantly
* Clear Energy Blocks
* Use Color to Heal
* Clear, Balance, and Heal Chakras
* Strengthen Personal Energy Boundaries
* Access Kundalini Energy
* Integrate Your Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Bodies
* Tap into Universal Oneness Energy
* Ground your Spirit’s Essential Essence Energy
* Balance Male/Female Creative Energy
* Resolve Karmic Issues and Past Lives
* Heal at a Cellular Level
The Course includes:
* MP3 recording of 10 Home Practice Meditations (go to to listen free a Grounding Meditation from class)
* MP3 recordings from each class
* A training manual
* An hour reading with a Clairvoyant Training Graduate
* Special student rates on readings with Tahara Ezrahti
Tuition for Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing is $480. Classes are 1/2 off for students repeating. Class is held in Goleta, CA. If you cannot attend in person you may attend through Zoom video conferencing.
Attend the first class for free to see if it is a good fit. You must register here on line to reserve your space and get directions. Classes are small to insure individual attention and space is limited. Email: or call (805) 364-0195.
This course satisfies the per-requisite for the 10 month Applied Intuition Clairvoyant Training Certification. The Fall Session starts Tuesdays, Sept. 1, 2020 to June 8, 2021.
Sign-up for a Free Clairvoyant Reading March 5th
Conducted by Students in the Applied Intuition Clairvoyant Certification Training
If you want to learn more about your energy field and get your questions answered, sign-up now! Clairvoyant Training students will be conducting a limited number of free in-person readings as part of their certification program. They will read your grounding, aura, chakras and specific questions or topics you have. Check out this video to learn what to expect in a clairvoyant reading.
Readings are available Thursday March 5th from 6:15-7 PM or 7:15-8 PM.
To sign-up fill out the contact form on the Applied Intuition Clairvoyant Certification Training Page and indicate which slot you would like 6:15-7 PM or 7:15-8 PM.
You will be contacted to confirm your reading slot and get directions. Readings will take place in Old Town Goleta. Please respond to the confirmation email within a couple days to save your spot. If you don’t it will be given to someone on the waiting list. Space is very limited so sign up ASAP.

Spring Is In The Air
Can you feel it? Even though my calendar says spring starts March 20th other cultures and other times thought differently. They counted the cross quarter days, in-between the solstices and equinoxes, as the start of a season and the solstices and equinoxes as the middle or “heart” of that season. Which frankly makes more sense to me.
The winter solstice, December 19-22, is the shortest day and longest night and should be considered the dead of winter. Just as the summer solstice, June 19-22, is the longest day and should be the height of summer. The spring equinox, March 19-22, is smack dab in the middle of flowers and bunnies and all things spring. Just as the fall equinox, September 19-22, is when we start slowing down, accepting that summer is over and start preparing for winter.
If you pay attention, you can feel the Earth energy shift around the cross quarter days. The official timing is astrological and occurs at a slightly different times each year, just as the the solstices and equinoxes vary slightly year to year.
The solstices and equinoxes occur when then sun reaches zero degrees of the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. The cross quarter days occur when the sun is astrologically at 15 degrees of the fixed signs of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio.
Here are the exact dates and times for 2020 and the corresponding season according to this world view.
- Aquarius: start of spring, Imbolc – Feb. 4, 2020 at 12:55 AM, PST (celebrated Feb. 2)
- Aries: spring equinox or Ostara (which the word Easter is derived from), March 19, 2020 at 8:50 PM, PDT
- Taurus: start of summer, Beltane – May 4, 2020 at 5:49 PM, PDT (celebrated May 1)
- Cancer: summer solstice or Litha, June 20, 2020 at 2:44 PM, PDT
- Leo: start of fall, Lammas – Aug. 6, 2020 at 6:04 PM, PDT (celebrated Aug. 2)
- Libra: fall equinox or Mabon, Sept. 22, 2020 at 6:31 AM, PDT
- Scorpio: start of winter, Samhain – Nov. 7, 2020 at 3:56 PST (celebrated Oct. 31)
- Capricorn: winter solstice or Yule, Dec. 21, 2020 at 2:02 AM, PST
In Santa Barbara spring is definitely in the air! Trees are blooming, the days are stretching longer and plants are growing fast. It is clear we are plunging head long into the vibrancy of spring. I’m going to celebrate now and not waiting until March 20th.
Happy Spring,
Tahara Ezrahti
For more information on Clairvoyant Readings and Classes contact:
Tahara Ezrahti, Clairvoyant and Intuitive Development Teacher. email:, (805) 364-0195