Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox 2015 If you have been feeling overwhelmed, tired, chaotic, and having a hard time getting things done, you are not alone.  Astrologers have been  waiting for this week along time. On March 16 we completed the last of seven Pluto/Uranus squares. This...

Applied Intuition Classes Start Soon

Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Course Starts February 12, 2015 On-line/Conference Call: Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Course Starts March 1, 2015 Sign-up today. Email: appliedintuition@cox.net or call (805) 961-3947. Watch this video to learn more about...
On-line Clairvoyant Course & Free Readings

On-line Clairvoyant Course & Free Readings

On-line Introduction to Clairvoyant Healing Course & Free Readings Tahara Ezrahti, Clairvoyant and Intuitive Development Teacher    appliedintuition@cox.net          (805) 961-3947             www.appliedintuition.org New On-Line Introduction to Clairvoyant...
Applied Intuition:  Winter Solstice

Applied Intuition: Winter Solstice

  Winter Solstice This year’s winter solstice occurs Sunday December 21, 2014 at 3:30 PST and it is followed by a new moon at 5:36 PST. Winter solstice is comparable to the beginning of a new sun cycle for the Earth. I always think of it as the...

Applied Intuition News: Fall Equinox 2014

Fall Equinox 2014 Surfing the Lava Wave Feeling Anxious Lately? Many people have mentioned how they have been experiencing an unusual level of anxiety the last several months.  I’m not talking about people who are always anxious or worried.  I’m referring...